Sunday 26 April 2015

20th April - 26th April 2015 - One Picture Everyday For One Year

This week has been my first full week with the mornings to myself while the twins have been in nursery. It has been lovely to not go far and get on top of my jobs at home. I have written more about my morning in my Word of the Week post.

It has been lovely to have some time for me in the morning and then spending quality time with the twins in the afternoon.

It has been another lovely week so there has been a lot of outdoor fun, walks with the dogs, harvesting rhubarb and puppy snuggles.

Here is our week in pictures...
Monday 20th April 2015

Monday was a lovely day so after I collected the twins from nursery we all sat outside enjoying the sunshine. I even managed to do a bit of blogging in the sun while they were busy playing!

Tuesday 21st April 2015

Guess what Taylor did at nursery on Tuesday! He came home with his hands covered in paint. He was so animated in the way he told me that he had been using red and orange paint. Isabella found it funny to tell their teacher that Taylor had forgotten to wash his hands. Their teacher said that she even put her hand over her mouth and giggled as she said it! I love school pick up time. On our walk home it is lovely how they both excitedly tell me what they have done during their morning at school.

Wednesday 22nd April 2015

Walking the puppies of anarchy (as we call them!) has become a much loved part of my morning routine. After I have dropped the twins off at school I have a lovely walk home then take the pups straight out. We enjoy a walk around the fields next to our house. We often have the cat joining us too when she is out she will follow us all of the way.

Thursday 23rd April 2015

On Thursday I harvested our first crop of the year! Our rhubarb has been shooting up so it was lovely to go down the garden and pick some fresh fruit for a delicious rhubarb and strawberry crumble!

Friday 24th April 2015

As the puppies are getting older, they are now 18 weeks old, they are starting to calm down a bit, which is lovely, especially for the children. We have started to let them come into the lounge a lot more now and on Friday afternoon Jax went up and snuggled up with Isabella. This picture really does make me smile as it shows that the puppies are well and truly part of the family.

Saturday 25th April 2015

The fields next to our house are now full of yellow flowers. It is such a lovely sight and when I look out onto this view I really do appreciate how lucky we are to live where we do. Yes we are out in the sticks, we do not have a local shop, there is not a lot to do but we love it. I love that the children are growing up in this environment and I love the peace and quiet!

Sunday 26th April 2015

This weeks Silent Sunday.

Hope you have a lovely week x

As always I am sharing our week in pictures with...

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky
Running in Lavender


  1. Those sticky hands :-D ...That is one happy child!
    Love the blossom too, hurrah for gorgeous SUNNY spring days.

  2. Cracking photos lovely .. looks like you have been super busy

  3. I'm glad nursery is going well. It looks like you have made the most of the nice weather this week too.

  4. My 3 year old also loves painting her hands, and her arms, and her feet; basically anything! Very jealous of the rhubarb. We aren't living in our house because of my husband's job and I know in that garden is a lovely crop of rhubarb coming through for the lucky tenant. Like you it was out in the sticks and I miss it! #TWTWC Over from

  5. Your puppies look so cute! They must keep you very busy!

  6. Love love sticky hands #mycapturedmoment

  7. It is great how the puppies are fitting into the family, they will be well loved. Love the titles the puppies of anarchy......makes me think of our gruesome twosome title.
    What a great field of yellow flowers you have captured it marvellously, I am like you I love where I live.
    Rhubarb and strawberry sounds a great combination, will need to try it.

  8. Dog walks are often my favourite part of the day too, so relaxing. :)

    It sounds like the twins really enjoy their time at nursery.

    Stopping by from #TWTWC linky

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  9. looks like a great week love the painty hands photo looks like my girls when they come home from a morning at preschool! x

  10. i have never seen a two dog lead before!
    mucky hands is always a feature on Jenson when i collect him from pre school. i love the colours in the last two photos - so spring like
    have a lovely week xx

  11. You've got some gorgeous shots this week. That field of yellow flowers is stunning and the blossom on the tree is so beautiful. Also that strawberry and rhubarb crumble sounds divine!! Thanks so much for linking up xx

  12. i wouldn't have thought of combing the rhubarb with strawberries but it sounds delicious

  13. The puppies look so grown up! The rhubarb and strawberry crumble sounds yummy - I'll pop across the Humber to try some ;)

    Thanks for linking up to #TWTWC xxx


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x