Friday 24 April 2015

Word of the Week - 24th April 2015

This week my word of the week is...

Me Time!
(ok 2 words of the week!)

This week has been my first full week at home on my own while the twins are at nursery.

I am "me" again for a few hours. I am able to do what I want and need to do without any other demands on my time! Please do not get me wrong I love being mummy but it is lovely being me again.

I have found this week to be absolutely exhausting due to all of the school runs and adapting to our new routines. My mornings are manic as I whizz around the house getting as many jobs done as I can during the three hours. But I finally feel like I am getting the house under control for the first time in three years. My house jobs are getting done before the build up, the laundry bags are all nearly empty, tidying up is not taking as long thanks to keeping on top of them all.

Today I even went grocery shopping, on my own! I cannot remember the last time that I did this. I will admit it did feel strange being alone, not worrying about getting a parent parking space or looking for a double trolley. It felt strange not having them to talk to. But I was me, I was able to walk around looking instead of getting in and out as quickly as I could! I even went to more than one shop! 

I am also delighted to say that the twins love going to nursery so I do not feel guilty to enjoying my me time! I think we all need it at some point to remain sane.

As the twins are getting bigger I feel that I am getting more me time back. I am able to think of me more. I am certainly enjoying the new chapter in all of our lives.

 Shopping on my own!

The twins exploring on our walk home

As always I am sharing my Word(s) of the Week with The Reading Residence.

The Reading Residence


  1. Yeah to ME Time...even if the Me time is doing the supermarket shopping!
    I remember it feeling strange the first time little mister went to nursery and I was at home, alone, until I started working. I hope you managed to sneak time in for a posh coffee or some sort of little treat for yourself xx

  2. Hooray for me-time! I've just started to grocery shop alone, as my mum has offered to have Little Man while I do it and it feels so luxurious! Glad that you're enjoying it and that the twins are settling in so well x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  3. Ahh! It sounds like you are really making the most of your time! Good on you!
    So glad your little one's are settling into nursery ok! x

  4. That's brilliant hon, so great that the twins are enjoying nursery because it makes all the difference to the guilt factor. Long may it last :-) have a fab weekend xx

  5. Ah that's a great word (ok two words - but I'm sure that's allowed!), glad they're enjoying it and glad you are too - have a fab weekend x #wotw

  6. It's good isn't it! even being able to do the food shop in peace is heaven :D

  7. Aww such a lovely week! Oh and congrats to the tots100 rankings! You are so awesome =) #wotw

  8. Yay for me time! Enjoy it when you get it x

  9. Yay, it's great to have a bit of me time. So pleased the twins are settling in well at nursery x #WotW


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