Friday 1 January 2016

Happy New Year

Here is to the end of 2015 and welcome to 2016.

2015 has been a busy year. When I think back during 2015 I see highs and I see lows, I see milestones and I see achievements.

The twins turned three and started nursery. They went from being socially shy children into confident young children who amaze me everyday. At the beginning of the year neither twins would look let alone talk to anyone that they did not know. During the last 9 months they have grown into such confident little people. They make me beam on a daily basis.

Joseph turned 11 and is now in year 6 at school. Year 6! How did my little boy grow up so much? I still think of Joseph as my little Joe-Joe but then I see him and I know that he is growing up and growing up too quickly. I have loosened the reins a little and given Joseph more freedom. He now plays out and has a phone, my son is nearly a teenager and don't we know it! Despite all of the trials that come with tweens I look at Joseph with pride and wonder where the last 11 years have gone.

The hubby and I have found that now the twins are getting older we are getting more time together. We have enjoyed some time away in York and have had some evenings out. Even though we do not get out much we always have our Friday night date night in and as the years go by we get closer and he remains my rock.

So now that is the reminiscing is done, lets look to the new year.

2016 brings so many exciting things. We have got a life changing holiday to go on, I am attending another BritMums conference, the twins start full time school and Joseph moves up to High School! There is so much to keep an eye out for I am getting excited just thinking about it!

We are starting the year with Dry January. This is our aim to start the year as we mean to go on. 2016 is going to be a healthy year. During the end of 2015 we started to eat healthier and we want to continue into 2016 so what better way to kick start the year than cutting out alcohol and up the exercise!

This month I will be starting a new monthly feature called Foodieseeker Friday where I will be recreating one of the dishes from Carnival Vistas menus. I will also be keeping you up to date with how the development of Vista is going and then we will be having the big countdown to when we embark onboard!

CookBlogShare will be continuing into the new year and it will be run by myself along with Sneaky Veg and Snap Happy Bakes. Together we hope to grow the community further during 2016.

I hope you will continue to read and support Hijacked By Twins as the year goes on. I hope you all have a very happy and a healthy new year and here is to a lot of delicious food!

Kirsty x

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year to you too, Kirsty! Loved reading your roundup. We are also planning on having a healthy 2016 - eating healthily, exercising more and we're not quite having a dry January but we are having a "one bottle of wine a week" January - i.e. one bottle between the two of us per week and that's the lot! Hope your healthy plans go well. Eb x


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x