Saturday 9 January 2016

1st January - 9th January 2016 - One Picture Everyday For One Year

A new year and I have decided to complete another year in pictures. I have now completed two years of 'One Picture Everyday For One Year' and I have found that it is such a lovely record of our year. It is only when you look back over the year you realise how much the children have changed and grown and how much you have packed into your time. So, for me, I always knew that I would go for another year. This year is a leap year so I will have a Project366!

We have an exciting year ahead and I cannot wait to share it all with you.

Here is our first week of 2016 in pictures..,

Friday 1st January 2016

Around Christmas time I decided to take part in the Sky Blanket project which was thought up by Aly from BugBirdBeeThe Boy and Me and You Little Sew and Sew. As soon as I heard about it I knew it would be a project which I would love to take part in. Each day I will be crocheting a line (it did start off as a square a day, hence the picture above) a day using a colour that has been inspired by the colours in the sky that day. This project has made me slightly obsessed with the sky and yarn which is a colour that could be seen in the sky! As soon as the new year started I could not wait to get going on my blanket!

Saturday 2nd January 2016

The new year started with a cold which really start to get me down on Saturday. Saturday was always going to be a hard day as it was my late Grandad's birthday. Saturday was all about Olbas Oil, hot lemon drinks and Soothers!

Sunday 3rd January 2016

Sunday was a chill out day. We did not go far and I spent the majority of the day in my cosy sock, curled up on the settee doing crochet. I really did not feel well.

Monday 4th January 2016

Monday was the start of my slimming plans. I started on Slimming World again. I was still not feeling well so did not do a lot apart from being with the children. Next month we will have had our dogs for a year. When they were stood looking out of the window I was amazed by how much they have grown. They are no longer the tiny little puppies that we bought home.

Tuesday 5th January 2016

The children returned to school on Tuesday and I was feeling more myself. I changed my Sky Blanket idea from squares to a lined blanket. I am a lot happier with it and am looking forward to trying and learning new stitches and techniques.

Wednesday 6th January 2016

On Wednesday I completed day 2 of the 30 Day Shred fitness plan. This year I am seeking the slimmer me and will be posting each week how I get on with my weight loss. I will be ready to get into a swimsuit in the summer. You can see how I get on in my Slimmerseeker post.

Thursday 7th January 2016

After a very grey start to my Sky Blanket I was delighted to see this beautiful sun set. Since starting I am always looking up for colours. I have even got the children looking and pointing out the colours that they see.

Friday 8th January 2016

Before my diet started, Friday night was always cheese and wine night for the hubby and I. This week I loved my Friday night treat. This huge bowl of meringue nests, fruit salad and fat free yogurt only contained 5 syns for the 2 meringues. I was even able to enjoy a gin and syn free tonic and still not reach my maximum syn allowance! I was over the moon with how Friday went.

Saturday 9th January 2016

Saturday was a busy day. We started the day off with Isabella's ballet class. We then needed to go with Joseph to collect our new glasses, which I am really pleased with. Along with the healthy eating I am enjoying fresh fruit smoothies. I made this delicious smoothie on Saturday.

There, that is the start of our 2016. I hope you have a great week.

As always I am sharing with...

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky
Running in Lavender
What Katy Said


  1. Can't wait to see how all of your blankets turn out, it's looking lovely already and plenty of inspiration with sunsets like that. #366

  2. I need to do some knitting for the blanket thing too, thanks, you've reminded me. That meringue looks yummy!

  3. I love meringues as a treat and that pudding sounds lush! The 30 day shred is a great dvd and it gave me the starting point a couple of years ago to shift the excess weight - good luck. The sky blanket looks lovely - I tried to learn crochet but couldn't het the hang of it even though I can knit!?

  4. I haven't done any crochet since I was a kid, my grandmother taught me. Your blanket is looking lovely xx

  5. happy new year Kirsty!
    i just commented on 76 sunflowers that i have dug out my 30 day shred dvd and am thinking about doing it again! hmmmmm will see how i feel tomorrow! good luck with your slimming goals though and the shred does work, i only got to day 16 last time (2 yrs ahgo) but it made a big difference to my body in just 2 weeks !! (but i hate doing it!)
    Your dogs are so big now! Love the sky blanket idea but sadly i have no knitting or crocheting skills! xx

  6. Good luck with the Sky Blanket....It is such a great idea!

  7. I wondered what sky blanket mean't - now I know! I do wish i could crochet

  8. Looking forward to seeing all the blankets grow, would love to have joined in but cant justify spending money on the different wool colours. Nice that the children can join in picking your colours
    Good luck with the slim healthy you, I am endeavouring to join you, nice you have adapted your Friday night in

  9. It really is a lovely project to look back on isn't it. Sounds like you have had a busy start to the New Year!

  10. I decided not to do the sky blanket, having struggled to keep up the last 2 years with other blankets and then not crocheting from March to October. But I've got back into crochet after my best friend gave me a blanket kit for Christmas which I'm nearly finished, so once that's done I might start myself a sky blanket.

    Looks like the healthy eating's going well. I'm back on my diet I started in November and it's going well so far.


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x