Saturday 30 January 2016

24th January 2016 - 30th January 2016 - One Picture Everyday For One Year

Well, that is the first month of 2016 nearly over with! This month has really dragged, there has been so much going on!

This weeks has seen me having a vegan week, a sick day for the twins, a surprise in Joseph's lolly, a busy day in the garden for the Hubby and a lot of foodie pictures.

Here is my week in pictures...

Sunday 24th January 2016

On Sunday the Hubby was busy on the gardens latest project. Yet more puppy proofing has been needed. As the weather has been so wet they have turned a lot of the lawn into mud. To make it easier he has sectioned off the first third of the garden and put fencing and made a gate so that they are just in one part and cannot make any more mess or destruction.

Monday 25th January 2016

On Monday was my first vegan day. After reading a lot of books I thought that I would try it for a week to see if I could do it. This was my delicious lunch inspired by Deliciously Ella Everyday. Monday was also a sick day for the twins thanks to a tummy bug.

Tuesday 26th January 2016

Tuesday was a catch up day after the twins being at home on the Monday. I got lots of foodie pictures taken for posts.

Wednesday 27th January 2016

On Wednesday the twins asked for a Gruffalo lunch and this was the result. This led to more Gruffalo lunches which you can read about here.

Thursday 28th January 2016

After the success of Wednesdays lunch after I collected the twins we went shopping for more Gruffalo ingredients.

Friday 29th January 2016

When Joseph came home after school the first thing he said to me was "Mum, do you want a Drumstick lolly?" I said no thanks and then he showed me what had happened! As he was chewing on it he got it stuck on his teeth and it pulled it clean out! It wasn't even wobbly. Needless to say, Drumsticks are now banned from the house!

Saturday 30th January 2016

I mentioned that on Monday I was trying to have a vegan week. Well I have been pleasantly surprised how much I have enjoyed it. I will not be going 100% vegan because I love cheese, eggs and a few dairy bits like yogurt and ice cream too much but I will be going 90% vegetarian and only having meat as the odd treat. I really have not missed meat as I thought I would and have even cooked meat and not wanted it. Both the hubby and I are both wanting to lead a healthier eating diet so are reading a lot of healthy eating books!

As always I am sharing my week with...

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky
Running in Lavender
What Katy Said


  1. Oh my word - that drumstick! Not quite the way you want a tooth to come out. Hope the twins have got over their bug #366

  2. We love that Gruffalo annual, and the owl sandwich is very cute. I don't think I could go vegan, obviously some salads or soups are vegan without being specially vegan. And oh my at the tooth lolly.

  3. Oh wow! That lolly and the tooth. Eek!
    It sounds like the vegan week has gone well....

  4. Wow his poor tooth! I am loving your Gruffly sandwiches! xx

  5. no, i had to stop eating chewy sweets a long time ago, due to damaging my teeth, the vegan week sounds interesting, i'd struggle to fore go dairy products

  6. I could never go vegan, or veggie either have to say I like my meat too much, happy to have a few meat free days in a week but no more. Look forward to seeing some of the meals pictured on here.
    Glad the twins have got over their tummy bug.
    Oh dear at the tooth coming out, I quite like drum stick lollies myself.

  7. I remember losing a tooth that way as a child! I'm already struggling to get a photo a day, and it's only January!

  8. Wow that! Your lunch looked really yummy, and the Gruffalo one made me smile and ask Hubster if I could have one too! A look of pure confusion passed across his face :-D

  9. I loathe Drumsticks for the same reason! I lost a tooth as a child the same way but at least mine was wobbly!

  10. ha ha the the drumstick photo did make me smile but mostly because i could imagine him asking you if you wanted a lolly hoping you would say yes!! I had that happen to me as a kid with Highland toffee and a wham bar!
    that owl sandwich looks great, we love the Gruffallo here
    well done on making your lifestyle changes to your eating, not sure i could be as good as that but i applaud you for giving it a go xx

  11. Oh my goodness to the tooth in the drumstick! Yuck! Love the owl sandwich. I've been a vegetarian for thirty years, but I couldn't go vegan :)

  12. My daughter was threatening to go vegan for a while - I'm not sure I could cope with cooking all the different meals! I've heard so many good things about Deliciously Ella though. Well done you as this meal looks amazing! January really has dragged hasn't it?

  13. I'm loving the sound of that Gruffalo cook book, the owl looks awesome!! Oh no, right no drumsticks in this house then!! Lili's recently lost two teeth, I can't handle anymore right now. Thank you so much for linking up to #MyCapturedMoment xx

  14. The owl is amazing ,I love it. And omg his tooth wasn't even wobbly? I will have to give Joe one his tooth has been wobbly forever, wobbly teeth really make me cringe, I can even look at them x

  15. ewww that just reminded me of when I was about 9 and I lost a tooth eating some opal fruits!! Mine was wobbly though haha.
    Thanks for joining in #HappyDaysLinky x

  16. Eeek I can't believe the drumstick lolly pulled his tooth clean out! I have recently gone vegan, I love it, I eat so much more interesting food now. Thanks for joining us for #HappyDaysLinky x

  17. Oh the drumstick....!!! My kids love those and have had some annoy wobbly teeth that needed to come out but wouldn't, that would have done it! However I like them....but not sure after seeing that. He will have a hole for a while won't he.


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x