Thursday 14 January 2016

Slimmerseeker Thursday - Week 1

Yay, week one has been completed!

The first week of the diet has been a great success! If you did not see last week post about why I am wanting to loose weigh, what my motivation is and how I plan to do it you can see it all in my first Slimmerseeker post.

When I finished writing this post, I went to link up with the support linkys that I used to join in with only to find that they had stopped. When I was slimming last year I found these groups to be a great support and encouragement. So I was disappointed to see that they had ended. So this gave me an idea to make Slimmerseeker Thursday into a linky where you can join in and share your weight loss journey posts, fitness posts and of course your healthy recipes that will help and inspire others. I really do hope that this new linky is a success and we can all help each other on this difficult path to self contentment.

Anyway, let me carry on telling you about my week.

Before I tell you my weigh in results, let me tell you a bit about my week. I am going to be totally honest with how I am getting on and how my weeks are going. If I have a hard time, I will tell you. Weight loss and transforming your body is not easy and I cannot stand it when people make out that it is. For normal people it is hard work and I want to show you a true picture of how it is.

So how was week one?

Week one started off hard. We still had Christmas chocolates on display in the kitchen and they called me! I did give into temptation on Monday night and instantly felt guilty afterwards so I knew that they needed to go, they needed to be out of sight! As they say out of sight out of mind, and it is so true! On Tuesday I did have a better day, stuck to my syn allowance and felt more positive. On Wednesday I felt like something just clicked. Some self believe emerged inside me and the way I thought about what I was eating changed. I did not snack at all, I did not want to drink any alcohol and I did not crave anything sweet. As part of my Thinking Slimmer Slimpod programme I keep a log of how I have got on each  day and Wednesday was definitely a changing point, On Wednesday I had been listening to my Slimpod for 6 day and it was the first time that I noticed a real difference in my views to what I ate. At the time I did not realise the difference, it was only when I sat to write my log that I realised how well I had done throughout the day. From Wednesday I have noticed that I am naturally making healthier choices and most days I am not reaching my syn allowance. This is not from denying myself, it is simply from not wanting it and not thinking about it.

With regard to my fitness, this has also been going really well. Everyday I am posting a picture on Instagram to record the days workout. I have found that this gives me motivation to continue and not give up. The first 3 days were agony. Every single movement in my legs killed me, even sitting on the toilet was painful! I will not lie to you, it was hard to push through the pain and battle on, but I did and I am so pleased that I did. When it got to day 7 of the 30 Day Shred I decided that I was ready to go up a level. I am now working to the level 2 workout. This workout is more abs focused so I am now hurting there. But I have started to like the pain as I know that it means the exercises are working and my fitness is improving. Before I started the 30 Day Shred I took my measurements, I am not going to share them with you yet, but I will tell you the difference after I have completed the fitness plan.

So after one week how do I feel?

I am feeling great! I am truly loving how I am now eating. I have cut out processed foods and am following more of a clean eating plan which is full of natural, fresh ingredients. If you are interested in clean eating I have just reviewed a fantastic book, which is my new best cookbook friend, titled Natural. It is full of ideas from breakfast through to supper and snacks and desserts. It is a great book which I would thoroughly recommend.

When it came to Monday I was nervous getting on the scales. I knew that I had been so good all week that if there was no change I would have been so disappointed. But when I got on the scales I was delighted to see that I had lost weight! In week one of my diet I lost a whopping 6lbs!!!

This result has given me the motivation to continue and the belief that, yes, I can do this!

How has your week been? Are you following a slimming plan? If so which one works best for you?

Now it is over to you. You can link up any weight loss, fitness, healthy recipe post that you may have, old or new. I hope that this linky will become a supportive community where we can help each other. To join in just add my badge below, comment on a minimum of 2 posts as well as my post. I will be retweeting all posts linked up, commenting and pinning any healthy recipes.

This week I am sharing my Slimmerseeker Thursday post with Madhouse Family Reviews - Sunday Weigh In

Hijacked By Twins


  1. Congratulations on having made such a good start with the weightloss. I'm trying to eat healthily when I can this year but have also found the leftover Christmas chocolates to be too tempting!

    1. I know what you mean, I had to clear them all out! x

  2. Hi Kirsty - thanks for stopping by my blog. Great to have you hosting a linky party here and didn't you do well on your first week? Lots of people are mentioning the slimpod so I might check that out if I get to a point where the weight isn't coming off as I'd liked. Special Teaching at Pempi’s Palace

    1. Thank you I really am hoping that the linky becomes a support group for everyone x

  3. What a great linky, I've always fancied writing one but not sure anyone would link up. Great start for you, i've had a good week on plan too so hoping for another good loss on Tuesday x

  4. Woohoo that's a fabulous first result - really motivating, well done ! :)

  5. Congrats on doing so well in your first week Kirsty, it really is difficult to resist those Christmas chocolates. Thanks for sharing, it's really given me something to think about x


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x