Tuesday 2 February 2016

Full of Goodness Baked Beans

Regular readers will know that we, as a family, are looking to eat a cleaner diet. One that reduces our processed food intake and generally eat better.

Baked Beans are one of the twins favourite foods and one that I have been wanting to go from shop bought to homemade. Shop bought baked beans have sugar listed as the fourth ingredient, which I feel is too much. So I have tried making my own baked beans, that have added vegetables in, no sugar and just healthier foods.

When I served it to the twins one of them loved having the grated vegetables while the other preferred the vegetables blended with the tomatoes, or hidden as he called it.

This is what I did...

Full of Goodness Baked Beans


1 x 400g tin of haricot beans
1 small red onion, finely chopped
1 carrot, grated
1 stick of celery, grated and discard the stringy bits
1 clove of garlic, crushed
150g tomato passata
2 tsp Worcester sauce
1 tsp paprika
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper to season


1 - Heat the olive oil in a pan and add the onions, carrots, celery and garlic

2 - Cook the vegetables over a medium heat for 5 minutes or until they are starting to soften

3 - Rinse the haricot beans and add to the vegetables

4 - Pour over the passata and mix thoroughly

5 - Add the paprika and Worcester sauce and mix

6 - Heat the beans and sauce gently to just below boiling point, reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes before serving

These beans are delicious as the are or on toast, as the children like them.

If you love your beans to have a bit more of a kick of flavour, as I do, then add some more drops of Worcester sauce before tucking in!

Tasty Tuesdays on HonestMum.com
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  1. These look so tasty! A great way to get veg into kids too :D

  2. What a fab recipe...much healthier than the ready made version...and I bet a whole lot tastier :-)

  3. These look really hearty and comforting! I've never tried making my own baked beans but I'd really like to sometime - thanks for sharing the recipe!

  4. I have been meaning to make baked beans for ages but not got round to it. I really must having seen these.

  5. I love home made baked beans...can't stand the tinned stuff

  6. Absolutely lush and delicious. We have a similar Iranian recipe as well using Borlotti beans. Unfortunately for me, I can't seem to eat this without very large pieces of baguette to accompany!! :) #CookBlogShare

  7. Lovely sneaky veg recipe! I made homemade baked beans last weekend with a completely different recipe - must try this one to see what the difference in taste is like. #CookBlogShare

  8. They look amazing! Thanks for linking up to #tastytuesdays x

  9. I don't like tinned baked beans at all but I really like the idea of homemade ones, they look delicious Kirsty. Thanks for sharing x

  10. they look lovely Kirsty and as you say with homemade baked beans you know exactly what went into them x

  11. I know it goes against what you are trying to achieve but I think I would chop up some bacon with the onions and cook it all together


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x