Monday 22 February 2016

Weekly Meal Plan - Week Commencing 22nd February 2016

After a busy weekend celebrating the twins fourth birthday and the diet going out the window this week is definitely going to be a healthy one!

Last weeks meal plan was a success, there was only one meal that I did not make. That was the bubble and squeak, this was due to the twins wanting an earlier tea so to keep the peace I made a quick pasta meal. The curry that I had planned for a couple of weeks was amazing! It was Deliciously Ella's Chickpea, Quinoa and Turmeric Curry and the whole family loved it! I even made my own gluten free naan breads which was so much easier than I was expecting. I need to perfect my peshwari version but once I do I will definitely be sharing it!

This week I am planning a couple of comfort meals. As the forecast says that it is going to be cold I think a couple of slow cooked meals will be needed!

This is what we will be enjoying this week...

Week Commencing 22nd February 2016

Monday - Low Fat, Spinach and Cottage Cheese Cannelloni

This meal, I am hoping, will be a healthier, low fat , spinach and ricotta style cannelloni. I am planning to swap the traditional ricotta for fat free cottage cheese. If this is a success I will be sharing my recipe.
Tuesday - Bean and Root Veg Stew

This is going to be a slow cooked meal. It is going to be full of beans and seasonal root vegetables. Root vegetables not only add a depth of earthly flavours to a dish but are super cheap to buy! I plan to make some homemade crusty bread rolls to go with the stew.

Wednesday - Leftover Bean and Root Veg Pie

I am planning to make enough stew so that there is some leftovers to use on Wednesday. I am planning to transform the stew into a cottage pie style meal. Topped with mashed potatoes it will be an easy meal to prepare on Wednesday.

Thursday - Vegetable Fritata and Jacket Potatoes

Our chickens have started laying eggs again after the shorter winter days so we now have a daily supply of fresh eggs which can easily build up. So on Thursday we will be having a vegetable fritata.

Friday - Chicken and Spinach Curry

Following on from last weeks curry this week I will be making another one this week. I will also be making my own naan breads again.

Like always I am not planning for the weekend, we will decided as a family nearer the time.

As always I am sharing my weekly meal plan with At Home with Mrs M - Meal Planning Monday.

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  1. I hope your twins had a great birthday!
    Everything sounds so good....The warming meals sound perfect. If today is anything to go by it is going to be a very cold week x

  2. Look forward to hearing if the cottage cheese works as a suitable replacement for ricotta! I remember using it in a Jamie O recipe and I was so doubtful but it worked a treat! Trying to choose lower fat ingredients to aid digestion but without losing flavour!

  3. The stew/pie sounds great, I love multi tasking meals #mealplanningmonday


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