Tuesday 23 February 2016

A Better Nights Sleep with Pukka

Pukka Herbs are products that both the hubby and I love. So when I saw that they produced a natural night time sleep aid I was curious to see what they were like.

I often find that mid afternoon I feel tired but when it comes to bed time I am simply not ready for bed. After the busy evening of dinner, clearing up, getting the children to bed, doing some work and watching television, when bed time arrives my mind is active and not ready to sleep. I have tried other sleep aid tablets in the past but am not a fan of chemical ones. I prefer to have herbal remedies if possible as I have found that chemical sleep aids can effect my mornings and not for the better.

When I saw that Pukka had added a sleep aid to their natural, herbal collection of supplements I found that, as with their other products, I trusted that these would be a natural aid. The supplement is made up of 20% organic Valerian root, 20% organic Ashwagandha root, organic Gotu Kola leaf, organic hawthorn berry, organic nutmeg fruit, organic Bhringaraj leaf, organic fennel seed and vegetable cellulose capsule. They are suitable of vegans and vegetarians and are free from dairy, wheat grain, gluten and have no added sugar or soya. They are made without the use of any genetically modified organisms. They really are the most natural way to aid sleep.

My evening routine starts after our evening meal and once the twins are tucked up in bed. I put the kettle on and enjoy a mug of Pukka's Relax tea. It is at this time I take 2 Night Time capsules. I have found that these help me to relax and get my body ready for sleep. When it comes to bed time I take a mug of Pukka Night Time tea to help me truly relax.

They recommend that you leave the tea bag to brew for about 5 minutes, but if you are like the hubby and I and enjoy a fuller flavour just leave the bag in the mug and loop the string around the mug handle.

I have found that with these products and the Night Time capsules that I am a lot more relaxed and have, when the twins have allowed me to, had a better nights sleep and have felt ready for the day ahead the following morning. As with other Pukka products that we use I have not been disappointed with the results from the Night Time range.

Disclosure: I received the Pukka Night Time Capsules for the purpose of this post. But I have purchased the teas as they are what we already drink. No cash payment was received. All views and opinions are my own and 100% honest.

1 comment:

  1. Pukka Herbs are products that both the hubby and I love. So when I saw that they produced a natural night time sleep aid I was curious to see what they were like.mouthpiece for snoring reviews


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