Saturday 20 February 2016

14th February - 19th February 2016 - One Picture Everyday for One Year

This weeks round up is a day shorter because today is the twins fourth birthday and as you can imagine our day will be busy! So next weeks round up will be a day longer.

This week has been half term and has been a manic week. But we have enjoyed some lovely lazy mornings and some trips out and about.

Here is our week in pictures...

Sunday 14th February 2016

On Sunday I decided to try on a shirt dress that I picked up in the sales just before Christmas. It was reduced down from £45 to £4.50 as it was the last one and a bargain like that could not be missed! I got a size 14 but when I got it home it simply would not fit. This was when I realised how much weight I had put on. On Sunday I decided to try it on and was amazed that it fitted and it anything it was a little bit big!

Monday 15th February 2016

On Monday after a busy morning with the children I decided to cook a lunch that was a bit more exciting than a sandwich. I made Mushrooms, Egg and Avocado.

Tuesday 16th February 2016

On Tuesday I was surprised to see that these arrived! The other week I bought Joseph and I tickets to see Bring Me The Horizon in November. This will be Joseph's first rock concert and I cannot wait to experience it with him.

Wednesday 17th February 2016

On Wednesday we had a much overdue trip to see my sister and nieces. We usually catch up when they come to our parents house but as it was half term it was the perfect time to go and visit them instead. We had a lovely day and the kids loved playing together. I love this picture of the girls, you can just imagine them planning and scheming together. I love how close they are and I hope that it lasts as they get older.

Thursday 18th February 2016

Thursday was a lovely sunny day, cold, but sunny. So while I was out in the garden I let the rabbits out in their little area that the hubby built at the weekend. I am so proud of what he builds in the garden. He really is making our garden such a special place. I do not always tell him how proud of him I am and of what he does in the garden and for us as a family. But I am, I am proud of him everyday and every time I see him.

Friday 19th February 2016

Friday was a crazy day. The kids were full of energy and I will admit, when we went shopping, they drove me crackers and nearly broke me! I was pleased that they had a friends birthday party to go to in the afternoon so I had a couple of hours free time. As I was about to start baking the twins birthday cupcakes the hubby arrived home early to surprise me. Recently my moods have been very up and down so he came home early to cheer me up. Seeing my Foodies100 score also cheered me up. I know that numbers and stats should not be important but when I saw this I did feel a bit proud of my little blog!

That is our week so far. Tomorrow is all about the twins! I hope you have a great weekend.

As always I am sharing with...

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky
Running in Lavender

What Katy Said


  1. That shirt dress just shows how well you have done!
    Well done with the Foodies100 score. That's fantastic x

  2. You got a bargain with your shirt dress and great that it fits. Spurs you on to stick to your goals

  3. what a bargain that shirt dress was (I find it hard to resist bargains like that myself!), and well done on it now fitting, maybe too loosely!
    Also well done on your foodies position :) brilliant blog news
    sounds like you had a good week and i hope you are not too tired after the twins birthday xx

  4. Well done on your weightless, and what a fantastic foddie score. It looks like you have a lovely half term week #project365

  5. Well done on the weight loss - that's a bargain dress as well. Hope you get some wear out of it before it's miles too big!

  6. £4.50! Bargin, and yay I'm pleased it fits you now, well done. I hope the twins' birthday went well and you aren't all too tired! Your lunch on monday looks amazing, I love avocado at the moment. The girls look very happy together, plotting what though?!

  7. Well done on your Foodies ranking huni, that is such great news and the dress looks great! xx

  8. Love the dress! Happy birthday to the twins ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’• #happydays xxx

  9. well done on losing the weight.
    It is great to have a handy hubby, and I agree we do not always appreciate them.
    Hope the twins had a great birthday

  10. Sounds like you've had a good week!! Congratulations on the weight loss and the ranking. You''re on a roll ; )

    Thank you for linking up to #MyCapturedMoment xx

  11. How good does your avocado, egg and mushrooms look! I can't believe what a bargain your dress was, I never find gems like that. Thanks for linking up to #HappyDaysLinky x

  12. Gosh you'll need to cinch it in with a belt now hun! Good on you! Thank you for sharing in #HappyDaysLinky x


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x