Saturday 13 February 2016

7th February - 13th February 2016 - One Picture Everyday For One Year

I am pleased to say that we have now completed the first half term of 2016. This week has had some very cold mornings that I am not going to miss going out in next week! This week has been a busy week with regard to foodie posts. We have had the Chinese new year, pancake day and tomorrow is Valentines day. I do enjoy having foodie weeks like this week!

This week has seen two new arrivals to the Hijacked By Twins household, lots of pet pictures and a hurdle crossed!

Here is my week in pictures...

Sunday 7th February 2016

On Sunday a trip to our local Pets at Home for a harness for one of the dogs resulted in us coming home with a new hamster for Joseph and two bunny rabbits! The Hubby knows that I have always wanted a rabbit, from being a child to now. He also knows that recently my moods have not been great and I have been very up and down again. So when he saw me admiring the rabbits he asked me if I wanted two. I did, but to stop me feeling guilty I suggested that they be part of the twins birthday presents as they loved them. So meet Yoda, Taylor's rabbit on the left and Elsa, Isabella's rabbit on the right.
Monday 8th February 2016

On Monday, my weigh in day, I got this award! Yes I have lost my first stone, well 1 stone and 1lb to be exact. This certainly did make my day!

Tuesday 9th February 2016

As Tuesday was pancake day I started the day off with a coffee and my Vegan Raw Cacao Pancakes.

Wednesday 10th February 2016

On Wednesday part of my nieces birthday present arrived and Isabella enjoyed modelling the Jesse hat so we could send them a picture. On  Wednesday I also found out that I have been offered a place on an exciting weekend away next month.

Thursday 11th February 2016

On Thursday I enjoyed some morning cuddles with my baby niece who was at my mums followed by time with the animals. Two of the chickens are really sociable but one is very shy. I am thankful that the days are getting longer as two of them have started to lay eggs again.

Friday 12th February 2016

Thanks to Facebook memories we were reminded that 12th February was the year anniversary to Opie coming home at 8 weeks old. She is now a big dog but, like with children, you only realise how small they were when you look back at pictures.

Saturday 13th February 2016

Saturday started with our usual girls outing to Isabella's ballet class. After seeing to all of the animals I kept inside in the warm. After a bit of blogging I sat and did some crochet. This is my Sky Blanket so far.

Hope you have a good week.

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky
Running in Lavender
What Katy Said


  1. You blanket is looking beautiful.Love the bunnies, I grew up with them and seeing them now always makes me smile #366

  2. Love how you came home with rabbits and a hamster! We used to have chickens - I miss the eggs, but not the havoc they caused to the garden!

  3. well down on the weight loss and the weekend away sounds exciting

  4. Gorgeous dog. Congrats on the weight loss. You have a lovely model there

  5. Well done on your weight loss award. Always nice to see the hard work is paying off.

    Loving the colours on your sky blanket. You don't really remember all the possible colours until you see them laid out before you.

  6. Well done on your 1 stone award :) I love how you ended up with 2 rabbits and a hamster, lovely names for them too. Very pretty sky blanket, you'll have a nice warm reminder of your year with that.

  7. well done on your 1 stone award. it is such an achievement and just gets you buzzing doesn't it?
    your sky blanket is looking so pretty, such a special look back at the year. Opie is so big now, cannot believe you have had her a year already x

  8. twin rabbits for the twins, what a nice present for them, and a great excuse for yourself to indulge.
    I thought you had got rid of the chickens.
    Blanket is coming on well. love the different stitches you are using.
    A huge well done on the weight loss.

  9. Ah Congratulations on your weight loss!! Really well done. How did the pancakes go down? They look and sound fab. My girls are obsessed by any kind of pancakes. Great weekly shots, as always I love catching up with what you've been up to. Thank you so much for linking up to #MyCapturedMoment xx

  10. Your sky blanket is looking lovely! Congrats on the weight loss, that's fantastic. The rabbits look adorable :)

  11. I adore your sky blanket! It is going to be gorgeous! Well done on losing just over a stone, that is fab! Thank you so much for joining in #HappyDaysLinky x

  12. Eeek how cute are your bunnies, and such cool names! Well done on the weight loss, that is brilliant. Thank you for joining us for #HappyDaysLinky x


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x