Saturday 27 February 2016

20th February - 27th February 2016 - One Picture Everyday For One Year

Last week I posted my Project366 a little earlier as we were celebrating the twins birthday last Saturday. This week I am going to post Saturday to Friday again. I have found this to be an easier way to post my project366. Doing it this way has allowed me more time with my family and less time on the laptop.

This week has been a tough week but I am hopeful that it is the start of things getting more positive. Here is my week in pictures...

Saturday 20th February 2016

Saturday was the twins birthday! They turned four, my babies are now four! For their birthday we enjoyed a family meal celebrating. I will be telling you all about our lunch out next week so keep an eye out for that!

Sunday 21st February 2016

On Sunday we had another birthday meal at my mum and dads. They loved getting a second birthday cake and blowing the candles out again.

Monday 22nd February 2016

I love seeing the twins interact together and on Monday they were so loving to each other I simply had to capture it. Taylor was snuggled up with Isabella watching her play on her Kindle. They played lovely all afternoon, which these days, is a rarity!

Tuesday 23rd February 2016

Tuesday was one of the days I do not look forward to in the year. Tuesday marked the fourth anniversary of loosing my Nanna.

Wednesday 24th February 2016

On Wednesday I had an appointment with the doctor. My moods and depression has been bad again so I went to see someone about it. My medication is in the process of being changed, with this, I am hoping to see a difference.

Thursday 25th February 2016

On Thursday I was busy taking photographs outside while it was lovely and sunny and I noticed this feather. I know it is just a bird feather but I do like the saying that an angel was near by.

Friday 26th February 2016

On Friday I went shopping to by some products in preparation of fair trade fortnight and when I saw these beautiful fair trade roses in Aldi I simply could not refuse them. Flowers for a blog post, why not!

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky
Running in Lavender
What Katy Said
Silent Sunday with MummyConstant


  1. If Sat to Fri suits you better then why not?
    Happy belated birthday to the twins. Ours also go from playing really nice to fighting all day, it is lovely to see them so close.
    Maybe the feather was from your Nanna

  2. Happy birthday to the twins, ah its hard getting through anniversaries like those isn't it, and beautiful flowers I think I need to check ALDI out x

  3. Those roses are gorgeous. Sounds like the twins had a lovely birthday, multiple celebrations are the way forward. I always find this time of year hard too with lots of memories - sending a hug x #366

  4. I hope they had a lovely birthday, the cake looks delicious

  5. Happy birthday to the twins - so nice to have two cakes! It's always amazing when a feather appears x x

  6. How are the twins 4! Wow! I hope they had a wonderful day huni. Have a great week xx

  7. Oh honey, I am so sorry that you are not feeling brilliant at the moment. Changing your meds sounds like a positive mood. But I know that it can feel hard at the time. Keep being positive and looking for the happy in every day. That photograph of Taylor and Isabella snuggled up on the sofa is the most gorgeous photograph ever. You have an adorable family. #MyCapturedMoment Hugs Lucy xxxx

  8. Lovely photos. I can't imagine how exciting it is having twins and birthdays with twins :)

    Thank you for linking up to #SilentSunday!

  9. Happy birthday to the twins.
    I'm sorry about your Nana, it's never easy to loose someone you love and those anniversary days are hard!
    Hope the med changes help, too.

  10. Ah happy birthday to the twins!!! I love that first family picture of you all, so lovely. I don't blame you for buying those roses, I totally would have too. Thank you so much for linking up to #MyCapturedMoment xx

  11. Aw, happy belated birthday! Looks like you had a fun week.

  12. Looks like they had a lovely birthday, very lucky to get 2 cakes! I love the picture of them snuggled up together, they must be so close #HappyDaysLinky

  13. awwww lovely i am sorry about the anniversary and that you have been having a bad time if things. it will get better i ams are of it (hugs)

    happy belated birthday to your twins - wow 4 already! and 2 cakes too - great stuff.
    those roses look lovely and a wonderful present to buy yourself x x

  14. Happy belated birthday to the twins, 4 is a funny year I think- not quite a child but not toddlers either if you know what I mean. I hope the doctors were able to sort things for you and that you feel better. Thank you for sharing in #HappyDaysLinky x


Thank you for your comments I do love to hear what you think and try to reply to as many as I can x